Assessment reporting cycle

All degree and certificate programs are required to maintain a plan for the annual assessment of student learning outcomes. Annual assessment reports are to completed and entered into Taskstream AMS by the first Friday in October.

Please note that assessment cycles overlap: planning for the upcoming year occurs before final reporting for the current year.


September to October

September to May


September to October

Assessment cycle begins

Identify learning outcomes that will be assessed

Create assessment administration plan

Analyze and report assessment findings

Assessment Findings and Closing the Loop Action Plan reports are due in Taskstream AMS by the first Friday in October

Conduct assessments

Collect evidence of student learning for assessment plan

The Status Report on Actions Plans from the previous assessment cycle are due in Taskstream the second Friday in May.

Assessment cycle begins

Identify learning outcomes that will be assessed

Create assessment administration plan

Analyze and report assessment findings

Assessment Findings and Closing the Loop Action Plan reports are due in Taskstream AMS by the first Friday in October